Health professionals

Work the way you want

Per diem nurses and allied health professionals use Medely to work flexibly and earn more.

Kevin on his phone looking at opportunities on Medely

Connect with healthcare facilities looking for help

Pick up shifts offering competitive rates when it makes sense for your schedule.

Get notifications

Set up text or email notifications for shifts in your area that fit your criteria and match your skills and experience.

Flexible booking  

Pick up shifts only when you want to work. There are no minimum usage requirements. 

Quick payouts

Per diem payments are made several times weekly for faster access to your hard-earned funds. 

Easy to start, easy to use

Getting started is simple, and using Medely is as easy as it gets. Get approved in a few days. 

Kevin on his phone looking at opportunities while next to his laptop

Onboarding support

A team member will walk you through every step of the process when joining Medely’s platform. 

Online credentialing

Upload your credentials to Medely, and we’ll keep you updated on any necessary renewals.

All-in-one solution

No sifting through emails or paperwork. Track your shifts, search for opportunities, and see your earnings all on Medely. 

Why health professionals love Medely

"I wanted a better, flexible schedule to go along with my lifestyle and daily activities."

Juliann Phan
OR Nurse

"It's been really helpful for me. It's nice because you don't have any set amount of hours you need to work. You can work whatever days you're available. It's so nice to have that flexibility. Choose the hours that you want to work."

Amanda Knight
ER Nurse

Book shifts that fit your schedule on your terms

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